February 27, 2005

Slow news

News has been slow this week, so there is not much to report. However, I did manage to dig up a few things.

Both Project Snowblind and the Fable soundtrack are now available.
A Rayman DS trailer was released (finally!): http://www.cube-europe.com/movies/raymands.wmv
Also, check out some Xbox 2 renders: http://interviews.teamxbox.com/xbox/1069/Midway-Games-Unreal-Engine-3-Licensing-Interview/p1

That's all for now!

February 22, 2005


If you own an Xbox and use it frequently, then listen up! If your Xbox was made before October 23, 2003, it may have a defective power cord! The cord not working can result in injury! For further info go here: http://www.xbox.com/en-US/news/0502/powercordannouncement.htm If you need a new cord go here: http://replacements.webprogram.com/en-us/programoverview.asp And until it arrives, remember to leave your console powered off when not in use!

February 19, 2005

Joyride + Halo 2 = :)

Joyride Studios has a huge amount of new Halo 2 figures in the works! Check 'em out here: http://joyridestudios.com/halo2.asp

February 18, 2005

New Games!

An all new Mario Kart game is in the works! Catch is, it's an arcade game. Still this game looks promacing! Also in the game is Packman(?). More info and screens here: http://gc.advancedmn.com/article.php?artid=4327

Also in the works is a new Zelda game for the DS! Basicall Eiji Aonuma (working on Zelda) said: -There will definitely be Zelda game on the DS

-The concept of The Legend of Zelda: Four Swords was an experiment for possible DS games, and to see what double screens could produce.

-However it would be “shameful” not to have a true Zelda along with a Four Swords-eqsue version, so is that possibly two DS Zelda games already?

In other news, a new Gauntlet game is in the works and is due out in Xbox,PS2, and PC this winter! Screens, info and a trailer here:

Oh, and if you're getting bored with your one DS game (I know it's Mario, that's all anyone has.), Wario Ware Touched is now available!

February 17, 2005

My new stuff

Check out my new sites! If you love Dragonball, you'll love this: dragonballomega.blogspot.com! Or if you feel like a laugh, coming soon is totalrandomity.blogspot.com! Enjoy em!

More Xbox 2 rumors

The latest rumors say the Xbox 2 will come packaged with a wireless controller that is similar in size and shape to the current Xbox one. This is eccelent news! If it's true. Other rumors state that the next Xbox will lose the white and black buttons, and possibly get extra triggers (why?), similar to the PS2 maybe? Who knows. Only time will tell.

February 15, 2005

Blue DS!

There is a Pepsi campaign in which you can win one of 1,000 blue DSs or other goodies, like collectible bottle caps. It all starts in mid March.

Nice to see Nintendo coloring their DSs!

More Revolution stuff

An odd video was recorded at the Game Covention in France. It is quite cool, really. It involves this guy, I assume he has some kind of camera, that controls a virtual car through the real world. See, this guy had set up some ramps and things on this table, and there is this camera(kind of like Eye Toy) that displays the exact picture on a T.V. Meaning there is a camera displaying the table on the T.V. Except, the man has a controller, and is controlling a virtual car through actual things, but on the T.V. The car actually reacts with items in the real world without actually being there! It's very hard to explain. Why don't you check it out for your self: http://www.cubed3.com/staff/tempo88/2005/february/nextgenfootage.WMV

In other news, these shots from the same conference, show off next gen technology (keep in mind they're a little blury) :
That man looks real! Or at least he would, if the shots were clearer.

Happy Valentine's Day!

Happy Day-After Valentines Day! I guess I'm just a little late there! :0

February 13, 2005

Like Fable?

Get the soundtrack! Available on the 15th! The track list is as follows:

-Fable Theme




-Lychfield Cemetary

-Summer Fields



-Temple Of Light

-Hobbes Cave



-Fresco Dome

Next gen rambelings

Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer recently spoke about the next Xbox he said:

"When you see the new Xbox, you're going to think it's un… -- well, let me say it politely -- unbelievable. Just unbelievable. The graphics, what it can do, the way things look, huge innovation. Rumors are that we'll see that product sometime soon. I couldn't comment, of course, on those rumors. But it's an amazing, amazing innovation.
I think we’re going to blow by Sony with our next box. I absolutely think we’re going to kick their backsides, so to speak. I think Xbox 1 has been a fantastic product. We’re not market leaders yet. There’s Sony, there’s us, there’s Nintendo. When we get Xbox 2 in the market, there’s going to be Xbox and the other guys.Why do people buy one game console over another? As we say around here, 'Duh, it's the games.' Partly they're great games because they have great graphics, they have great processing, they have great this, they've got great that, but it's about getting great games. So, there's two parts to that: Number one, we have to make sure we have a great environment, software environment for people to write games, games that connect to one another, games that are social, games that are hard-core. We've got to make sure we let people write great games. But then, number two, we, Microsoft, have to write a number of really great games to show it off. What is 'Halo 2?' It's the greatest video game ever written. It shows off Xbox 1, and we’ve got some more games coming that will be the greatest video games ever written, and they’ll show off Xbox 2."

In a completely unrelated story, you can check out some new PSP boxart here:http://psp.ign.com/articles/585/585963p1.html

New shots of NFSU 2 for the DS here: http://www.cube-europe.com/screenshot.php?gid=nfsuds&nr=7

And, to top it all off, a misterious trademark by Nintendo: http://www.cube-europe.com/newsgfx/vpocket.gif

You may all ponder now.


February 5, 2005

It's finally happening!

Halo the movie! Here is what IGN has to say:

"In an unorthodox move that's sure to raise some industry eyebrows, Microsoft (developer Bungie's corporate overlord) has hired screenwriter Alex Garland (28 Days Later, The Beach) to adapt its hit videogame series Halo for the big screen.

Variety reports that Garland signed a million-dollar deal with the tech giant. Garland's finished screenplay will reportedly be offered to studios as a complete "turnkey" script and rights package.

The trade adds that Microsoft isn't expected to be involved beyond the script development stage

Hollywood took notice of the property when the recently released
Halo 2 smashed sales records."

Lets hope it comes out soon!

February 3, 2005

PSP info

Lots of rumors and facts have been floating around this week. Some are quite juicy stuff in there!


- The PSP will play PS3 games by wirelessly transmitting them to your PSP! If you are in range of course.

- The game Mercenaries (just released for PS2 and Xbox) might come out for the PSP!

- A version of Sony's Eye Toy is in development for the system.


-The PSP's price, lineup, and release date (finally!)!

Sony Computer Entertainment America announced the US launch details of PlayStation Portable, the PSP Value Pack will launch on March 24, for $249.99, which comes with the PSP, 32MB Memory Stick Duo, Headphone with Remote Control, Battery Pack, AC Adapter, Soft Case, Cleaning Cloth and an UMD Demo Disc. The first one million units of PSP Value Pack will also come a special UMD version of the movie Spider-Man 2. Sony expects to ship one million units of PSP by the end of March 2005. - Here is a list of PSP launch titles in North America. * Ape Escape: On the Loose (SCEA) * ATV Offroad Fury: Blazin' Trails (SCEA) * Darkstalkers Chronicle: The Chaos Tower (Capcom) * Dynasty Warriors (Koei) * FIFA 2005 (Electronic Arts) * Gretzky NHL (SCEA) * Lumines (Ubisoft) * Metal Gear Acid (Konami) * MLB (SCEA) * MVP Baseball (Electronic Arts) * NBA (SCEA) * NBA Street Showdown (Electronic Arts) * Need for Speed Underground Rivals (Electronic Arts) * NFL Street 2 Unleashed (Electronic Arts) * Rengoku: Tower of Purgatory (Konami) * Ridge Racers (Namco) * Smartbomb (Eidos Interactive) * Spider-Man 2 (Activision) * Tiger Woods PGA Tour (Electronic Arts) * Tony Hawk's Underground 2 Remix (Activision) * Twisted Metal: Head On (SCEA) * Untold Legends: Brotherhood of the Blade (Sony Online Entertainment) * Wipeout Pure (SCEA) * World Tour Soccer (SCEA) - Sony also announced that the price of PSP software will be around US$39.99.

I wonder if you can buy the system seperately for cheaper. Hmmm...

If you love the PSP, check out: http://psp.advancedmn.com/ and http://psp.ign.com/