An odd video was recorded at the Game Covention in France. It is quite cool, really. It involves this guy, I assume he has some kind of camera, that controls a virtual car through the real world. See, this guy had set up some ramps and things on this table, and there is this camera(kind of like Eye Toy) that displays the exact picture on a T.V. Meaning there is a camera displaying the table on the T.V. Except, the man has a controller, and is controlling a virtual car through actual things, but on the T.V. The car actually reacts with items in the real world without actually being there! It's very hard to explain. Why don't you check it out for your self:
In other news, these shots from the same conference, show off next gen technology (keep in mind they're a little blury) :
That man looks real! Or at least he would, if the shots were clearer.
foo foo a malapoo