Showing posts with label flash. Show all posts
Showing posts with label flash. Show all posts

January 5, 2012

You should probably play Super Kid Icarus before it's gone

Someone went and remade the original Kid Icarus as a 16 bit game and it's kind of awesome. I'd play it soon, too, because Nintendo will probably catch on soon and have this shut down.

May 22, 2010

Play Pac-Man on the Google homepage!

Google is awesome. Pac-Man is awesome. Google has recognized this and combined the two for Pac-Man's 30th anniversary, transforming the Google logo into a working game of Pac-Man! It's the real deal, complete with all 250-something levels and even multiplayer support! Play now!

April 8, 2010

Warning: the following flash games are made of win

It kinda seems like flash games are making a comeback these days. If you're bored, check these out: