April 19, 2005

Halo 2 auto update released

The Halo 2 auto update was released yesterday. It fixed glitches that players use to cheat. In addition, some weapons were altered:

- Magnums were made less powerful and less accurate (as if they weren't useless enough!).
- All melee attacks now do more damage (the Brute Shot does double extra damage).
- Grenades were made stronger (including the Brute Shot) , but the fuse shorter.
- The SMG/Plasma Pistol combo was made weaker.

Also, Team Xbox has a preview of some of the new levels with video and screens!

Gamestop+EB Games

It would seem that Gamestop bought EB Games. Same thing. No big deal. Just expect to see more Gamestops. You know what they say: If you cant beat 'em, buy 'em!

Welcome to Viewpoint!

While gearing up for E3, an idea hit me. Make a page just for viewpoints! Reviews, previews, impressions, afterthoughts, anything with a view! So welcome to Gameweb: Viewpoint! The views will begin shortly!

April 18, 2005


More changes! I've now added a new page: Gameweb:Viewpoint. It's for Reviews and stuff. Basically anything I can express my opinion on. Enjoy! (link in sidebar)

April 15, 2005

I aim to please!

As you may have noticed, the site has been re-designed! Nothing too drastic, but I hated those drab colors! I thought some change was in order before E3 rolls around. In addition, Gameweb now has links on the sidebar. There is something there to please everyone. Also, you may have noticed the MSN button. Click on it to download some cool crud, then enter to win a PSP! Enjoy all the new stuff!

It has begun

The next gen has begun! Today, further info and pictures were revealed for the Xbox 360 (as its official name now is), as well as a mock-up for the Revolution that may or may not be real.

First the Xbox 360 info (thanks to Eurogamer.net):
"British sources have confirmed that the next generation Xbox is indeed called Xbox 360, that the logo is a simple, round nexus, and that the console itself has a concave design. And it's white. Maybe.
Many rumours have been circulating in the past months regarding Microsoft's next generation system, but let us now lay them all the rest. The name of Xbox's successor is Xbox 360, we can confirm, and the design of the machine is indeed a concave shape.
Speaking under conditions of strict anonymity, a British source privy to Microsoft's marketing documents has today confirmed the machine's name and previously rumoured details of the actual design.
The machine can stand upright and hollows in at the middle, like it's "sucking in its cheeks," our source told us today. Previous rumours had put the console as silver, although fresh information says the final design may be white. It's impossible to tell from the documents, the source went on to say.
According to the source, the rumoured slot for the hard drive - which was apparently at the top of the machine - is not obvious on the document, and the person was unable to clarify where the slot for discs actually appeared.
The logo is described as a simple, round nexus with "Xbox 360" written inside it. Previous rumours had simply the numbers "360" in the disc.
Microsoft will show the console for the first time in a half-hour special on MTV on May 12, a week ahead of E3. The company's press conference, on Monday, May 16, will be the first viewing of the console to the trade en bloc.
Xbox 360 is expected to receive a global release in late 2005.
When contacted today, Microsoft simply said that it does not comment on rumours and speculation relating to next generation product."

In addition, I've found a better picture of the new controller: http://gamesradar.msn.co.uk/media/gamesradar/xbox2controller124_1.jpg
It also seems that Microsoft has begun yet another online campaign with ourcolony.net. Similar to ilovebees, except it is for the Xbox 360, and is more of a game. Players are asked to join, or start their own colony with just 5 people (and expand from there). They then complete tasks for prizes (as in sneak peeks of the 360). The earlier picture of the controller as well as this http://www.ourcolony.net/thesecret/1426.jpg picture of Project Gotham 3, came from ourcolony.

The other thing is this picture http://www.gamercentric.com/img/2811_0_5257_1113482138.jpg of the Revolution that no one is sure is real or not. As well as these pictures of the PS3 http://home.btconnect.com/hgi/ps3/ps3imagery.html that are believed to be fake. Guess we'll know closer to E3

April 11, 2005

Xbox 360 prototype controller!

Here it is! The moment you've been waiting for! The Xbox 360 controller design!



It is most likely a prototype. Notice how the black and white buttons have been moved, as previously stated. I happen to like the overall design. You can also tell from the pictures that the controller will be wireless! Hooray! Keep in mind it's only a prototype.

April 3, 2005


Gotcha! Remember that new Zelda? April Fools! I made it up! That picture was from a Celda mock-off from a Korean company. Anyway, I thought it would make a good joke. I bet I fooled all of you! Not that anyone ever visits... That's right people, feel free to leave comments. You don't need an account.

April 1, 2005

New Shadow trailer

Not much to say other than it looks awesome! View here: http://www.gccafe.com/news/media/staff/Video/shadow_hedgehog_trailer2.mov

Nintendo announces new Zelda!

That's right folks! A new Zelda game other than the one already under way, is being developed! The catch? It returns to the cell shaded design of "The Wind Waker". Although, Nintendo has really updated Links cell shaded self, judging from this screen shot: http://www.gamasutra.com/db_area/images/news2001/5010/koreanww1.jpg Link now has a much rougher look, complete with a new outfit and spiky hair! The logo in the corner "WIKI" stands for the title's name, although Nintendo has yet to reveal just what the letters stand for (I'd bet something with wind). The game looks to be a direct sequel to The Wind Waker and, in my opinion, looks even better than the original! But that's just going on a single screen shot. Keep to Gameweb for info on both games as the news breaks!