April 22, 2005

Review- Wario Ware Touched!


Publisher: Nintendo
Developer: Nintendo
Genre: Ummm...
Price: $35
Players: 1

If you loved the original, you'll love this! This game is quirky and I love it!
In the newest installment, there are new characters and over 100 new micro-games! This version also makes use of the touch screen (thus the name Touched!), as well as the microphone. Once you go through the game you'll earn random gifts such as mini-games you can play like "Poke the Flan". The only downfall is that this game should have had multiplayer. It's also WAY too short! Although you'll spend an eternity trying to beat your high scores.
Overall, this an excellent game that the DS desperately needed. Definitely check it out!

Graphics: Very fun, and colorful. Shows off the range of the DS's graphics.- 9.5
Sound: Very catchy, funny tunes!- 10
Control: Couldn't have been better!- 10
Lasting appeal: Forever!- 9.5
Overall: 9.5

Review- Rayman DS


Publisher: Ubi Soft
Developer: Ubi Soft/ DC Studios
Genre: Platformer
Price: $30
Players: 1 (unless you have the UK version, then it's 1-4)

First, know that Rayman DS is a DIRECT port of Rayman 2. No cool extras.
Rayman DS is... well, I guess it's needed because of the DS's lack of games. However, the first thing I noticed was how bad the control was. The touch screen control is awkward, and the D-pad has a delay between when you press the button, and when Rayman moves. Very annoying. The second thing is the graphics. While they mimic the N64's in some aspects, everything seems pixilated.
The sound, however, is a different story. The music and effects from the original were ported perfectly form the original. The game is also quite fun, though it doesn't make very good use of the touch screen.
All in all, the game is quite fun despite serious control issues. If you never got a chance to play the original, or have always wanted a portable version, this is the game for you. Otherwise, wait for Viewtiful Joe or something.

Graphics: Okay, but the DS can do better.- 6.8
Sound: Excellent!- 10
Controls: Horrid!- 4
Lasting Appeal: Pretty challenging. It'll take twice as long because of the controls.- 8
Overall: 6




Review- Worms Forts

If it don't suck, don't fix it.

Publisher: Sega
Developer: Team 17
Genre: Turn-Based Strategy
Players: 1-4
Price: $20

I am a huge Worms fan. I even have the original Worms. So, naturally, when Worms Forts came out, I just had to have it. I started the game off with the tutorial, which tell you how to play. It seemed simple enough, so I started a quick game against the computer only to be beat to a pulp. There's a lot of strategy involved in this game, but the idea is simple: build forts and destroy the enemy's.
The first thing I noticed when the game began was the level. The levels are now all square in shape with some sort of giant "thing" in the middle obstructing your view of the enemy's base, that is always in the opposite corner. Frustrating? Yes! Another thing I don't like is the fact that there are only two weapons usable all the time: the bazooka, and the grenade. All other weapons must be used from the top of buildings. The bigger and more powerful the weapon, the bigger the building you will have to build to use it.
The weapons themselves are quite cool, though. They range from giant crossbows, to lasers, to exploding chili, to flying hippos! One thing I find strange is that your team can only have a maximum of four worms. What happened to six? I also don't like the wonder. The wonder is a statue that, when built, the other team must destroy in two turns or you win. It seems like cheating to me. You do have to work to earn one, though. There are spots on the arena with stars called "victory locations". The more buildings you build on them, the more buildings will become available. Once you have two, you can build a keep, then more gets you a castle and so on. Buildings are limited, however. You may only build one wonder (which you need over five or more victory locations to construct), six towers, etc.
Overall, the game is pretty fun. Team 17 has really added to the strategic aspect of Worms in this latest installment, although the game looses some of its original charm. The point of the game is to destroy the other team's fort instead of its worms (you can still win that way, though), and the game looses its insane, frantic, landscape-destroying action from previous games. But, for 20 bucks, it's affordable and fairly fun.

Graphics: Good, cartoony worms style.- 7
Sound: Happy, wormish music that goes with the level. Effects and voices are excellent.- 8
Controls: Easy to learn.- 9.5
Lasting Appeal: Depends. - 8.5
Overall: 7.5

April 21, 2005

Revolutionary controller

I found the controller to go with the Revolution mockup: http://www.4colorrebellion.com/media/pics/apr/rev_cont.jpg Again, no one knows if it's real or not.

New DS color!

A new color DS will be available in June. It will be called "Electric Blue", and will be available for $150. http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v334/VideoGamerJ/ds.bmp

Zelda shots

Got the links!

The Sims 2 cometh!

This fall, the Sims 2 will be available for all consoles. It will let you directly control your sim (finally!). Plus, the DS version is fully 3D! Screens of the DS version are available.

Zelda- info and screens

New info on the new Zelda was released in a Spanish magazine today. Translated it says:

-At the game's start, Link is 16 years old. As time goes on, Link will grow older in the game.
-The village shots you see where Link is dressed differently are from the game's first village, called Toaru Village. It's kind of like how Kokiri Forest was the initial starting village in Ocarina of Time.
-The pictures that we've seen of Link fighting enemies while on his horse have been shown for a reason - horse combat plays a big role in the new Zelda.
-The game's controls are similar to OoT and Wind Waker
- Z-targeting is back, using the L trigger on the GameCube. Jumping will once again be automatic.
-The game is reportedly 2 to 3 times bigger/longer than Ocarina of Time! According to the magazine, up to 70 hours of gameplay is possible.
-According to Eiji Aonuma, "Making the water trasparent in this new Zelda as opossed to Wind Waker will allow us to give a realistic and more beautiful feel to the game and also open the game to a new subaquactic world."
-Aonuma also said that went for a more Shonen Manga style as opposed to a Square Enix CG-type look.
-And last but not least, cuccos are back.

To see the new screens, go to Gamecube Cafe and scroll down a bit.

Ourcolony update

Ourcolony.net has updated their site today. This time with a picture of THE ACTUAL CONSOLE! Don't get too excited. It's one of those odd-angled shots. Still, it looks good to me.