December 11, 2007

Just Something To Think About...

You might want to consider the following before you go out and buy Crysis:

December 10, 2007

More Gift Ideas

For the readers on your list

Halo: Contact Harvest
Ever wondered how the humans and the covenant first met? Well, you'll find out if you read this book. Seriously, if you're a fan its a no-brainer. If your not a fan, it's still a pretty good sci-fi book. And who better to tell the story than Joe Staten, the man who helped create the series!

Rise of the Ogre
The perfect compliment to D-Sides. "Rise of the Ogre" is the official biography of the animated band Gorillaz. It's really quite a fascinating story. Plus, it's now in paperback!

Stay tuned for more!

Happy Birthday, Man!

In honor of my friend's birthday, I give you a delightful poem:

Indian Man
By: Perry Levine

Indian man looking at the sun
It must be fun
Being Indian man
He has long hair
At this I stare
But not to long
Indian man
He chants
Which means
Today we dance and sing but tomorrow we may not because I think I might be getting a cold meow frustrated
Thank you Indian man

December 9, 2007

Delightful Holiday Gift Ideas

As you all know, there are only 15 shopping days left until Holiday. Yes, Holiday, the one day of the year we celebrate material possessions by giving each other gifts. Here are some great last minute ideas for anyone on your list! And no, "Bender's Big Score" is not included because it's a given.


Hot Rod
Sure to be a hit with anyone who has any kind of sense of humor, Hot Rod will make a wonderful stocking stuffer! Also available in HD, because who doesn't want to see Andy Samberg's face in high definition!

Ask a Ninja DVD
Why download the podcast for free when you could buy it on disk for $20? Plus, it's a DVD. Everyone knows DVDs are better then downloaded content right?

The Original Christmas Classics
Everyone loves to watch those original Christmas specials from the 1960s made with figurines and stop motion animation on TV, so why not physically own them?

Xbox 360 HD DVD Player
On a serious note, why not pick up the HD DVD player for the 360? It's now only $129, comes packaged with King Kong, and you can mail in for another five free movies! Now that a deal!


Gorillaz D-Sides
Gorillaz has a new album!? I know, that was my reaction too. Be sure to pick up this collection of "Demon Days" rejects! And while you're at it, why not spring for the deluxe version, it's only $5 more.

Halo 3 Soundtrack
It's music. From Halo 3. Nuff said.

Other Stuffs

McFarlane's Twisted X-Mas Figures
Nothing says Christmas like Spawn! These delightful figures designed by Spawn creator Todd McFarlane are guaranteed to put a smile on your face! Well, maybe not. But they are pretty sweet! (Reindeer Rudy pictured at right)

Zelda Replicas
Why not give a Zelda fan the ultimate gift: a replica Master Sword and Hyrulian Shield. Available at As a bonus, why not throw in an Ocarina of Time? You can pick one up at

Well, that's it for today. Stay tuned for more last minute gift ideas all the way up to Holiday!

Benny Lava indeed...

This is entertainment at its finest right here:

Doosh-Bah and Smearbob: RELOADED

Doosh-Bah was awakened from his slumber when his alarm clock exploded. He sprang into action and immediately began to wash his cat. Smearbob rolled the red carpet for the Emperor of Memporor in the meantime. Suddenly, Agent Tnega burst through the roof of the place and stated: "I'm not wearing pants. Now you must save the world." And so Doosh-Bah and Smearbob were called back into action and went to work.

Harnessing the mighty power of the enchanted snail-gibbons, the two flew all the way to North Brunswick where they encountered the source of the evil that apparently existed. It was Corruption Craig and the No Good Gang. They were blasting all of the chocolate cookies into the Bay of Pigs. Unfortunately, this caused the pigs in the bay to become super-duper-fied. While half the world was exploding, Smearbob took out his giant-blaster-cannon-doom-ray and exploded the stratosphere. This just made things worse. Smearbob duck-taped it back together while Doosh-Bah shouted "Num-muh yoot bhut clussop WACKKOOH!" and self distrusted the xooki factories causing a chain reaction in the septizone and preventing the flow of eviltude. Thus, the land was saved and also very broken.

Doosh-Bah and Smearbob flew back to their home place using the power of Greyskull and then went back to bed. They dreamed of magical, magical magic and whatnot. All was good in the world... or something like that.

Doosh-bah and Smearbob created by The One Known as to be Reckoned with and Doegab. Story by N-man.

Ima try something...

Well, I'd say it's been a while, but that's a given. So I won't. I don't update as much as I would like to and that makes me ever so sad. So, here's what I'm going to do: I shall try to post as often as possible, no matter what it is. So check back often for more entertainment and stuff of that sort. Shups and Croids is back... and this time it means business!

December 8, 2007

The King Returns: A Review

No, not Lord of the Rings! I'm talking about Futurama! It's back and better than ever! Well, at least just as good as when it left...

Bender's Big Score: The Review

"Bender's Big Score" is the first of four direct-to-DVD Futurama movies. If it's any indication of things to come, then Futurama is still the king! The ever so confusing yet entertaining plot centers around three naked aliens who take control of earth through spam e-mails. Plus, Fry finds the binary code that makes time travel possible tattooed to his ass. Silly, yes, but effective. Using its Futurama-esque humor and excellent writing, "Bender's Big Score" is every bit as funny and cleaver as the original series. It is one of those movies dealing with time travel (which always manages to make plots beyond comprehension), but it surely is entertaining if you don't think to hard about it. But I warn you: it will make your brain hurt if you try to figure it out! So don't bother, just enjoy the ride.

What I love about Futurama, is that it manages to be both cleverly funny and serious at the same time. The plot is always outlandish, but also serious. It's evident in the relationship between Fry, Leela, and Lars while all the madness is going on in the background. If you're still not sure exactly what I mean, take the episode "The Luck of the Fryrish" as an example. It has a funny and ridiculous plot in which Fry tries to find his lucky clover, but it's also serious in the story of Fry and his brother. I also happen to think that is one of the best of the show's episodes. "Bender's Big Score" has a similar tone and that's what makes the show so great.

This movie is an entertaining ride with a lot of plot, a lot of humor, a lot of heart, and a cliffhanger ending. The ending though, is guaranteed to be resolved in the next movie "The Beast With a Billion Backs". It also guest stars Al Gore and explains what really happened during the 2000 election. Oh, and it's got an awesome remixed theme song!

All in all, I recommend this movie to fans and non-fans alike. Make sure you go out and pick up a copy to support the show!

And now, a special treat: a preview of "The Beast With a Billion Backs". Enjoy!

September 8, 2007

Halo goodies!

Check out some of the new Halo collectibles coming soon from Kotubukiya and McFarlane Toys!

McFarlane series 1, available March 2008 (final product subject to change):

And coming this fall are "12 collectable spartan statues from Kotubukiya. They will retail for $99.

Blue (available through the 7-11/Mountain Dew contest)
Green (available at Gamestop)
Red (available at UK retailer Gamestation)

Personally, I want to collect them all! It's not even funny how much better these are than those crappy old Joyride toys!