April 1, 2011

Activison is at it again...

This man is the CEO, president, and director of Activision. He just looks like a douche, doesn't he?
You know when a story involves Activision it's not going to turn out well. I hope you guys weren't fond of Infinity Ward...

Activision has announced the closure of Infinity Ward. While it's not terribly surprising, it's still pretty sad. Apparently the company became an "expensive burden" after Jason West and Vince Zampella were fired and 46 staff members subsequently quit. Evidently, that hasn't had a great effect on team morale. In fact, Modern Warfare 3 was being developed by three studios prior to today's announcement. The crippled Infinity Ward was working with Activision's new CoD-centric studio Sledgehammer to develop the campaign, while Raven Software (of Quake 4, Singularity, and Wolfenstein fame) developed the multiplayer component. Activision, however, now finds it more profitable to let Infinity Ward go. Sledgehammer will be taking over the bulk of development on the new title, though it is currently unconfirmed whether the current IW staff will be merged into Sledgehammer, assigned to other Activision studios, or simply fired all together.

The fall of Infinity Ward is a pretty sad tale. The studio will close its doors a week from today. You can read the press release on Activision's website.

March 26, 2011


This here's the logo for the new website. I made it myself!

A status update: Installation 04 is now closing forever. Project P.R.O.J.E.C.T. is nearly complete and is currently soft launching as we speak. That sounded slightly dirty. Sorry, for those of you looking forward to the jelly eggs. That wasn't the part coming true.

March 25, 2011

The 3DS: I have played it!

I played the 3DS today and I can confirm that everything you've heard is true. The 3D works, and it is awesome.

December 12, 2010

Pokemon: Win or Fail? 144-152

  • Name: Cobalon
  • Number: 144
  • Type: Steel/Fighting
  • Species: Iron Will Pokemon
  • Looks like: some sort of an antelope thing with boots
  • Awesome factor: 7/10
  • Trivia: Its glare can make other Pokemon obey. It is calm with a heart of steel. It has the defense of all fighting types. 
Cobalon is similar to Raikou, Entai, and Suicune in concept. It's part of a trio of what I call "legendary dogs"(though they aren't really dogs), all of which are half fighting type. This trio appears to be based off the Three Musketeers. As far as the design goes, it's not bad at all but not extraordinary.

VGAs: They're like the new E3

If only the could pick a less crappy medium to unveil stuff like this!

December 11, 2010

Pokemon: Win or Fail? 127-143

  • Name: Crimgan
  • Number: 127
  • Type: Dragon
  • Species: Cave Pokemon
  • Looks like: a dragon with a scraggly head and holly wings
  • Awesome factor: 6/10
  • Trivia: Its head is harder than a rock. It is the only prue dragon type that does not evolve. 
I'm not sure what's up with this guys head and wings. I really like him except that his wings look like holly (especially from the back with those red scales) and his head looks really unnatural. He does grow on you, though. Plus he holds the distinction to be the only non-evolving dragon.

December 9, 2010

Pokemon: Win or Fail? 111-126

  • Name: Riguree
  • Number: 111
  • Type: Psychic
  • Species: Brain Pokemon
  • Looks like: a robo alien
  • Awesome factor: 8/10
  • Trivia: They mysteriously appeared in the desert 50 years ago. (hmmm...)
There has never been a Pokemon like Riguree before. He's obviously based off some sort of alien, yet he looks kind of robotic as well. Though he's not a steel type, he doesn't look completely organic to me, like he's some sort of alien android. The colored nubs on his hands are certainly interesting (though they remind me of jelly beans) and I wouldn't be surprised if they glow in the dark. 

December 8, 2010

Pokemon: Win or Fail? 94-110

  • Name: Kaburumo
  • Number: 094
  • Type: Bug
  • Species: Ringside Pokemon (?)
  • Looks like: a larva with a wrench head
  • Awesome factor: 4/10
  • Trivia: This Pokemon will evolve only if you trade it for Chobomaki, another bug Pokemon.
Another kind of cute little guy. He looks like an excited baby bug. Not sure why the the top of his head looks like a wrench, though. It's a bit strange, but overall descent design. 

December 7, 2010

Pokemon: Win or Fail? 78-93

  • Name: Chilarmy
  • Number: 078
  • Type: Normal
  • Species: Chinchilla Pokemon
  • Looks like: a chinchilla (off to a good start!)
  • Awesome factor: 5/10
  • Trivia: Its tail is used as a broom. It evolves via a shiny stone (wtf is that?)
Awww, isn't this guy adorable? I just want to give him a big 'ol hug! Anyway, his design is alright. Reminds me a bit of pikachu actually (which, let's admit it, is also adorable but simple). Not sure it's the kind of Pokemon I'd want to take into battle, though. It's just too damn cute to get beat to a pulp in a fight.

December 6, 2010

Pokemon: Win or Fail? 62-77

A few notes before today's Pokemon. I am rating these Pokemon based on originality, creativity, and uniqueness of  design and concept. That's the "awesome factor". My personal opinion will be reflected, though, and that's something that really can't be avoided. While I like the desert crocodile family overall, I feel like the first two aren't as up to par as the last one. "Meh" does not mean bad, it means solid but not spectacular. Just thought I'd clarify. Now on to the Pokemon!